I'm in quite a weird state right now.
First off, I might actually be close to starting my music production. Getting a computer for my birthday which is in a few days, I'm aiming to upgrade it to 12gb RAM (an improvement from 2gb lol). And secondly, anyone who's seen my comments, ratings etc. can tell that I am a huge fan of Xtrullor, and he's frankly the only reason why I'm here. Recently, as he has been wandering off a path I aim to pursue on a tangent, I have turned to seeking other role models who would shape my music once I begin, and possibly turn to for advice. An artist whom I discovered very recently is a guy called Agente.001, but I've also been heavily influenced by Talurre and other Newgrounds artists who share a similar path. Anyhow, despite the tough financial situation my family is still in, I am planning to purchase a DAW (most likely FL) next summer. Before and during this stage, I would continue looking for artists and tracks that would guide me in the very beginning, as I lack a true sense of self right now, and while I do have plans on going on small rebellions that would give me a sense of confidence, I'm not much more than a work in progress. For example, even though it might sound weird, Agente's approach to music and life served as a major wave of inspiration to me recently (P.S. you're welcome for the 100th sub haha). I admit, I can sometimes come off as creepy - Xtrullor might or might not have received a video from an old channel of his that I found with Minecraft videos from 2011 - but that's really what happens whenever I find something of major inspiration in something or someone.
Therefore, my goal for the next few months is to collect as much information as I can, practicing music theory on my borrowed synthesizer in order to make up for the lost time of being taught nothing in school and hopefully meeting more artists whose music I can fuse into whatever I'd be doing in the future. And speaking of that, orchestral dubstep has been something that I want to give a more powerful touch to, as well as continue where Xtrullor's "first era" finished if things start going well.
And so, this post comes to an end, and a very exciting future might be coming very soon. If you've read this entire thing I wrote at 11pm for some odd reason, I'll have a slice of pizza shipped to your front door.
@tomhson A large part of this post is dedicated to the inspiration your last few songs have given me, as well as your story of becoming an outstanding producer in less than a year. :)